If followed correctly, this recipe yields perfect, frustration free, macarons every time! Try this mango shell with mango or coconut filling.
120gramsegg whites
120gramsgranulates sugar
1/2 tsptartar
1 tsp mango extract
150gramsfine almond flour
150 gramspowdered sugar
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Place a small sauce pan with 2 cups of water on a stove top over medium heat
With a kitchen scale, measure out egg whites and sugar in a metal kitchen aid bowl.
Whisk egg whites, sugar & tartar in a metal standing mixer bowl (kitchen aid bowls work best)
Once water is simmering, place mixer bowl on sauce pan (like a double broiler)
Constantly whisk sugar mixture over the heat while a candy thermometer is reading. Once mixture reaches 120 degrees, remove from heat. This only takes a few minutes.
Place bowl in a standing mixer with whisk attachment and whisk on medium high speed until stiff peak. This takes about 5 minutes to achieve.
With a kitchen scale measure out flour & powdered sugar
While meringue is mixing, place almond flour & powdered sugar in a food processor & pulse a few times
After processed, sift flour and sugar. Discard large chunks that stick in the sifter(should only be 1 tsp or less discarded, if more, you will need to re-measure and add more almond flour)
Once mixture is at stiff peak, you have made a meringue! With a rubber spatula, fold in mango extract and then fold in flour mixture into the meringue
Continue folding the mixture over and over again until it comes together fully, you know you are done when the batter ribbons off of the spatula when in a continuous ribbon without immediately breaking. To test this, I hold my spatula and make a figure 8, if the ribbon doesn’t break, then you are done
Put batter into a piping bag with Wilton 2A piping tip attached (or similar size hole cut)
Pipe batter onto nonslip mat with macaron pattern on a light metal cookie sheet
Let cookies sit at room temperature for 1 hour. This step cannot be skipped, you will know your cookie is ready to bake when it has a touchable skin on top.
Preheat oven to 300 degrees
Bake cookies for 17 minutes, check to make sure cookies don’t move when slightly budged by your finger tip. If cookies move, rotate cookie sheets and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes.
Take cookies out of oven. Let cookies cool completely before removing off of nonslip mat. If your cookies aren’t coming off clean, place tray into the freezer for a couple minutes. After, the cookies should come off clean
Fill with your favorite frosting. I like a mango buttercream or a coconut buttercream.