Did you know that acids in baking are very common and necessary? They are an essential ingredient when you are baking for the proper chemical reactions to take place. The most common acids in baking are sour cream, buttermilk, molasses, fruit juice, yogurt, vinegar, and cream of tartar. But what exactly do acids do to your batter? Let’s take a closer look and find out.

On a white hexagon-tiled surface, theres a lineup of goodies: youve got your apple cider vinegar bottle, a glass milk bottle, clear liquid in a jar, one lemon and two acid-rich limes hanging out together, plus a wooden-handled measuring spoon chillin with some white powder.

What do acids do in baking?

  • Weaken gluten formation – creating a softer and more tender texture
  • Stabelize – by helping the foam of an aerated mixture keep the air bubbles trapped
  • Balances out sweetness – by adding a sour flavor
  • Helps fruit stay firm – for baked treats that have fruit, acid will help the fruit keep its shape when baked
  • Helps rise – by initiating a chemical reaction in baking soda. Plus it is the chemical component in baking powder which will help it react when it is mixed with water.

What is cream of tartar?

Cream of tartar is a by product of wine-making. It will break the bond between fructose and glucose transforming sugar into inverted sugar. Inverted sugar does not crystalize when cooled, resulting in a softer baked good. This means adding a teaspoon of cream of tartar to your recipes will soften them.

On a marbled countertop, theres a couple of bottles of red wine and apple cider vinegar just chilling. Theyre packed with natural acids. Nearby, you’ve got a little container of salt, a whole lime, two lime halves, and one whole lemon hanging out together.

What are common acids in baking?

  • Sour cream
  • Buttermilk
  • Fruit Juice
  • Fruit
  • Vinegar
  • Honey
  • Coffee
  • Cocoa powder
  • Molasses
  • Yogurt

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acids in baking